What is Autocross?
The fastest person wins as you test your driving skills around the pylons. There are classes for all types of cars from fully prepared Corvettes and Porsches to stock or slightly modified Miatas, Hondas, and your everyday driver. And driver skill wins every time! If you turn out to be a real "HOT SHOE" there is the SCCA Pro Series and the National Tour Series where the competition is always intense. The Old Dominion Region normally conducts one event per month from April through November. Other clubs in the area also conduct events and most use SCCA classes. Membership in SCCA is not required, but we do give members preferential treatment at our events. Rule books and membership applications are available at
each event. If you want to be involved, but not compete you can meet everyone by working at registration or timing and scoring. You can also become an official Solo Safety Steward by attending an ODR approved school. And of course, you are welcome to just watch, but it is lots more fun to get involved so check out our Solo Championship and Regional Rules pages to get started.
Autocross is one of the cheapest, safest and easiest motorsports to participate in. Our fees (listed below) are low, and no special safety gear (such as roll bars, fire suits, etc.) is required except a helmet (and the Old Dominion Region has free loaner helmets available). Although a wide range of vehicles (from go-karts to purpose-built open wheel cars) compete in autocross, almost any production car is also welcome. Cars only compete against other, similar cars depending on its original performance and modifications. Cars are never near each other on the course and the speeds are relatively low.
If you’re interested, come out and watch or participate!
Here's what you'll need:
What about cost?
Drivers License
You will need a current driver’s license to enter an SCCA Solo event. Bring it with you to show the people working registration and you’re good to go.
Helpful Tip: If you are under 18, you will need both your parents to sign a minor waiver for you.
Vehicle in working order
Although autocrossing doesn’t require the same safety gear that you might see in race cars, you will need to make sure that your car is in good shape with no loose/worn suspension parts, battery is securely held in place, tires have no cord or metal showing, brakes and seat belts are in good shape, and no big fluid leaks.
Helpful Tip: When you get to an event, the tech inspector will make sure your car is ready to go.
You will need a helmet when you’re driving on course, but no worries, ODR Region has free loaner helmets available on site. If you bring your own, it has to meet certain safety standards – more than just “DOT-Approved.”
Click Here for Eligible Helmets
Helpful Tip: A tech inspector will let you know if the helmet you brought is acceptable.
Numbers &
Every car is assigned a class depending on its original performance and any modifications made. Click Here for 2022 Solo Street Categories.
All vehicles must display numbers and class letters on both sides, which must be readable by Timing & Scoring, Course, and Grid workers at all times.
Numbers must be a minimum of 8″ high with a 1¼” stroke.
Class letters must be a minimum of 4” high with a ¾” stroke.
In all cases, the height of the class letters must be between 25% and 75% of the height of the numbers.
Painter’s tape works great for this. Just make sure that the color tape you choose is readable on your car (ex: blue tape on a blue car isn’t going to fly).
Normally we have 3-4 small heats that allow for 1 or 2 heats off to get your car prepared or enjoy lunch. We do not have any food trucks planned as of yet so be prepared with some snacks or a lunch of your own.
Chairs & Tents
Langley has spectator seating in the stands but can be very hot during the summer heat. If you don’t have a tent, there’s plenty of people who are willing to share. Just ask nicely.​ But it is recommended to bring your own chairs and tent as well as water to stay hydrated. Do not forget heavy weights to hold the tent in place as it will be placed on the concrete surface.